Thursday 5 February 2009

Running Man

I think it was Einstein who said something about the definition of madness being doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. He may well have been talking about jogging. I’ve been doing it for months now, with the expectation of some improvement but I’m still just as rubbish as when I started.

Admittedly my warm-down has progressed from thrashing around on the floor like a beached porpoise and trying not to vomit to propping myself up against a wall and cursing heavily. The run itself, however, still consists of limping along with the sort of graceless movement that you might associate with a man who has just taken a cricket ball in the sensitives, while being drenched by rain, hail or snow.

Still, it must be doing me some good; so in the words of a wiser man than I, ‘jog on!’

Sunday 1 February 2009

Abominable Snowmen

Not deterred by the tales of blisters the size of Ostrich eggs, chaffing that would make your eyes water and the prospect of moving oneself from the West Coast of Scotland to the East Coast in only one day Colum has bravely (ed: foolishly) joined me for this year's Bike & Hike.

Maggie's is a really great charity, you can check out what they do on their website Maggie's rely on donations and fundraising and you can sponsor us at and any donation, big or small, is very welcome.

Training started in earnest last weekend as we struggled through waist deep snow in Glen Affric:

Great exercise for the legs but also a little bit like trying to stumble home when you're the wrong side of a couple of Guinness too many. Still Colum seemed happy:

Let's hope that there's a bit less snow for May 2nd!